Thursday, October 11, 2012

A need, a need for speed

Aspen has a need, a need for speed. We rode the car ride at the mall the other day & as you can see, she loved it :-)

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

The Black Hole Pumpkin

Practicing for Trick-or-Treat? For 2 days Aspen has been toting this bucket everywhere she goes. She puts anything she can get her hands on, into the pumpkin. Socks, sippy, remote to the TV, toys, piece of dog food.... Doug and I now know that if we can't find something, like our phone, to first check Aspens pumpkin. So far, this plan has yielded a 100% success rate. I found a piece of string cheese in there yesterday and now hide the pumpkin when it's snack time. Another amazing toy under $1.

-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:West Chester, Oh

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bubble wrap

Why do we buy toys when toddlers like the packaging so much better? Aspen has not even opened the actual gift from Great Aunt Karen yet. We are waiting for Daddy to get home to unwrap the present. Until then, we are having a BLAST with the bubble wrap!!!

YouTube Video

-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone