Friday, December 21, 2012

Bye bye ball pit

We always have half Aspens toys put up and half down. This way when we switch them, it's like she has all new toys.

Since Aspen is getting a large toy for Christmas, I decided to pack up the ball pit. We have taken the ball pit down multiple times and she never noticed. THIS TIME she did not appreciate me packing things up. :-)

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A package for Aspen

Aspen received a special package from the mail man today.  Great Uncle Wayne and Great Aunt D sent something just for her. Since they cant be here to see her open it, we decided to tell you how it went. 

Please excuse her outfit- she spilled water all over herself so her skirt was in the dryer :-)

                                                    Aspen wasted NO time tearing into it!! I couldn't even get the brown paper off for her.  She wanted to do this herself and she was determined not to let me help.

She decided that sitting on the box gave her a better angle to pull the paper off.  We got slightly distracted since sitting on things is soooo much fun right now.  She gets all excited when she sits on something new.  She claps and says "yay" "yay" over and over again.  If you don't congratulate her and clap she starts with the "Yay" again.

Once the paper was off (and she let me close enough to cut the tape), she was yanking stuff out.

 Ohhhhh paper is so much fun when you are 15 months old...

Keep going Aspen...

Wait a minute...whats this...

Its a frosty the snow man, we know who he is! 

Frosty even got some hugs and kisses. 
Frosty was then given to mommy to hold so she could continue exploring the box.

Aspen thinks its really funny to pick big things up and carry them.  She had a great time taking the gifts out of the box.  I LOVE to see that little smile and giggle.

As soon as the bow was gone, Aspen had a hole in the paper.

A ducky and water toys!!  She kept trying to pull the duck out of the paper.

more fun presents !!

Back to the Duck...she kept pointing and saying "that" "that" and waiting for me to say "Duck, ducks say quack quack"


 Opening gifts was so much fun.


Thank you sooo much for the perfects gifts Great Uncle Wayne and Great Aunt D!! Tell Miss Molly thank you so much for my frosty too.  I miss you and i love you sooo much.  See you soon Love Aspen

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Santa Visit

I took Aspen to see Santa today. Doug was bummed he couldn't be there with us. Since we have all been sick the past few weekends it wasn't possible.

Entertainment Junction has a whole winter wonderland complete with Reindeer, fake snow falling, a workshop and Mrs. Clause handing out cookies.

Santa was very nice and at first Aspen was more interested in her cookie than who was holding her. As soon as he said "what's your name honey?" She whipped her head around, took one look and started to cry.

When I came over and sat with her, she stopped crying and even offered Santa a bite of her cookie.

By the time we walked out the door, Santa got a little wave bye bye but no smiles from Aspen.

All in all I think is was a successful trip to visit the man with the beard :-)

-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Sunday, December 16, 2012


Look who was just busted climbing again... Notice the Cindy Lou who hair :-)


With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thank You Great Aunt Cindy & Bill

Aspens Great Aunt Cindy and Great Uncle Bill sent her an early Christmas gift!  She loves to play basketball so this gift was perfect for her.  Thank you Swanns!!

Whoops, someone is to short...

Not a problem for Aspen, she ran over and dumped out a toy crate.  She pulled it under the hoop and tried to stand up....

Since she couldn't climb up AND hold onto the ball at the same time, Daddy tried to help Aspen out.  He gave her a step ladder and watched her climb up. 

After a half hour of running after the ball, Mommy and Daddy figured out a perfect solution.  We call this "Chair Basketball" & she LOVES it.  She is good too, i am pretty confident she will be getting a full ride to college based on these skills.

Thanks for the GREAT Gift Swann Family.  We are going to miss you on Christmas but we will see you in January.  :-)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


We colored with crayons today. She actually got some on the paper and had a great time.

With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Big foot

Nana and papa had some fun with Mommys shoes and Aspen.

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Thursday, November 8, 2012


Yesterday was beautiful out so Aspen and I had fun at the new Toddler area of the park. She can now go down the little kid slide by herself :-)

Up and down, up and down, up and down... It's so funny to watch her do the same things again and again.

Running around With a big smile trying to be sneaky.

Aspen loves to find things and show them to us. Like this rock she picked up, she waits for us to tell her what it is. "Daa?"

I hope these are the days I think of when I look back in 50 years.

With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Basketball scholarship?!?

Mommy and Daddy think she has real potential in basketball!! Lots of good b-ball players on The Allen/Simsic Side.

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Friday, November 2, 2012

MC head

Aspen is learning to eat with her spoon. Apparently she was trying to get some of the mac and cheese that was stuck in her bib with it. Today I am thankful that self feeding will not always end with such a big mess.


Lets Share

With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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It's the little things

I am so grateful for the time I have with Aspen. It's the little things I love the most, like when she makes me "tea" in her little kitchen. I can't get enough if the "shhhhh" sound she makes for pouring. I am thankful for my daughters tiny imagination today.

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A need, a need for speed

Aspen has a need, a need for speed. We rode the car ride at the mall the other day & as you can see, she loved it :-)

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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The Black Hole Pumpkin

Practicing for Trick-or-Treat? For 2 days Aspen has been toting this bucket everywhere she goes. She puts anything she can get her hands on, into the pumpkin. Socks, sippy, remote to the TV, toys, piece of dog food.... Doug and I now know that if we can't find something, like our phone, to first check Aspens pumpkin. So far, this plan has yielded a 100% success rate. I found a piece of string cheese in there yesterday and now hide the pumpkin when it's snack time. Another amazing toy under $1.

-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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Location:West Chester, Oh

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bubble wrap

Why do we buy toys when toddlers like the packaging so much better? Aspen has not even opened the actual gift from Great Aunt Karen yet. We are waiting for Daddy to get home to unwrap the present. Until then, we are having a BLAST with the bubble wrap!!!

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-With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chalk it up

Just a normal day playing outside with sidewalk chalk.

Our new trick is pointing to things. We love to point and say ooooooohhhhh. Aspen is demonstrating the double point in this picture.

With Love-
Bridgette and Doug

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